Prospects and Deal Tracking

Whether you are recruiting new members or closing deals, CitySoft provides sales CRM tools to meet your needs. 

With our Prospects module, you can track leads and prospects distinct from other contacts.  And, with our Opportunities module, you can create and track new deals and other opportunities through a sequence of deal stages.

Prospects can be specified by an administrator or flagged directly from a custom prospect or contact form that can be displayed on the website.  With our database tools you can track a wide variety of communications, activities and other data related to prospects and their relationships to deals and organizations.

CitySoft's Opportunities module can be used to track traditional sales. In addition, you can track any other kind of deal such as grants, partnerships, in-kind donations, and more.  Opportunities are grouped and displayed by stages.  And, all communications and activities related to each opportunity are tracked and displayed on the same screen for easy usability.

Volunteer Module

Need to manage volunteers? We've got you covered.

CitySoft's Volunteer module allows you to flag, track, and manage volunteers within your organization and database.  Volunteers are displayed in their own module where you can use a wide range of features to track and manage volunteer activities, hours, reports, and more.

If you use CitySoft's Form Builder, you can create custom volunteer forms to display on the web.  When contacts submit the forms, they can be automatically flagged as volunteers and you are notified via email.  From there, you can use our database tools to assign, manage, and track volunteer activities throughout your organization and network.

Feature Highlight - Time Tracking

Looking for an efficient way to track time for your organization? Look no further than Community Enterprise's Time Tracker! Whether you're managing volunteers, employees, contractors, or any other type of user, our platform makes it easy to track time in a variety of ways.

With our Time Tracking feature, you can track time by date, using start and end times or hours and minutes. This flexibility allows you to choose the method that works best for your team's needs. Plus, you can specify specific projects and tasks for time entries, making it simple to track time spent on different activities.

In addition to tracking time, you can also add detailed descriptions for each entry. This feature is especially useful for tracking volunteer activities, as it allows you to keep a record of the tasks completed and the impact they had on your organization.

Best of all, the Time Tracker is part of the overall CRM platform making it easy to manage all your data in one place. Combined with other volunteer management features in our software, our Time Tracker provides a comprehensive solution for tracking volunteer activities within your organization and network. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual time tracking or third-party apps that aren't integrated into your CRM and try our Time Tracker!

0% Inflation

Zero percent inflation.  You don't hear that very often these days.  Many companies - including software and technology companies - have been raising their prices while reporting record profits.  Too often these business tactics are just another way to inflate management salaries and investor returns at client expense.  It doesn't have to be that way.  At CitySoft, we haven't raised prices since... never.  CitySoft has always been committed to providing great software, services, and support at very competitive prices.  If your organization or company likes to throw your money at over-priced software companies while spending hours and hours in project meetings, CitySoft probably isn't a good fit for you.  But if you want modern software, priced appropriately, with easy implementation and support, contact us any time.

Modern User Interface

We want to take a moment to show off our modern, clean admin user interface.  The UI is constantly being improved, so the screen shots below may be dated soon, but it's worth taking a moment to post a few images here.  It's been pointed out to us that some older screen shots of the user interface exist online which may give the wrong impression about our software.

If you are interested in seeing a more detailed look, a demo, or a free trial, please contact us.  And, you can see more detail about the platform here.

In the mean time, here is a current look at the admin UI Dashboard.

In addition, here is a view of the admin Contacts module landing page:

Here is an example of an individual contact profile within the Contacts module:

How We Compare - No Transaction Fees

Good software does not need to be expensive.  But, it often is.  In addition to our very competitive platform pricing, it's important to note that CitySoft does not charge any transaction fees on top of the processor fees (which are usually around 2.2 percent per transaction).

Many software vendors charge additional transaction fees above and beyond the core processing fees.  This is common in platforms that support membership management, event registration, donations and stores.  If you are collecting fees online, these extra percentage points can add up to a lot of money.  We have had clients who saved hundreds of thousands of dollars by using our platform to avoid those extra transaction fees.

Don't hesitate to contact us to learn more and see a demo.

No Long Term Contracts

Following up on the previous post about our pricing philosophy, it makes sense to also mention our approach to contract term length.  That is to say, there is no term length. 

If a client wants to leave, they should be able to without any financial repercussions from breaking a long term contract.  Our goal is to only have happy customers.  And, if a customer is not happy, we want to make it easy for them to find a better fit for their needs.  Our belief is that happy clients will be long term clients and over time that will work out well for everyone.  So, if you want to work with us, that's great.  But, if we're not the right fit, we want you to be able to find a better option. 

CitySoft's Pricing Philosophy

Philosophy is a funny word to use about software pricing.  But, it may be fitting in this case.  Stated simply, we ideally want anyone to be able to use the software who wants to.  If you think our software is a good fit with your needs, we want to make it as available as we can.  And we don't want anyone to be excluded unnecessarily because of a price that is beyond their means.

To accomplish this, we recommend prices for various sized organizations, based on our expectations about how expensive it will be to support them. But we ultimately leave it up to you.  It's more of an honor system approach that asks clients to pay what they think is a fair price that will benefit both sides.  Everyone needs to be a winner in order to build a good, long term relationship.

Software does not need to be expensive in most cases.  But, for many reasons, often the wrong reasons, it is.  CitySoft is trying to do things differently.  You can see all the details on our pricing page.

Open Source Plans

One of our long (long, long) term goals here at CitySoft Global HQ has been been to open source the whole platform, much in the way that Wordpress and others have (although perhaps to a greater extent than Wordpress).  It turns out that doing this right, or at all, takes quite a bit of preparation.  Besides all the code work, there ideally needs to be a lot of documentation, training material, and so forth.  And, we would like the platform to run on some different flavors of application servers and databases, which requires even more preparation.  And all this needs to be done while running a regular business with many client and platform development needs.

So, it's not a small enterprise.  That said, we've come a long way towards the goal and it is still a high priority for the platform.  Our goal is to make it more available and more valuable for more people and organizations.

Restarting Blog Posting

And... we're back! After a long stretch of not blogging about our features and platform, we're restarting the blog to provide new information and detail about the platform, the features, how clients are making use of it, and anything else that comes to mind and might be useful and interesting.  Hopefully this will be a channel to provide useful information to clients and prospects.  Thanks for reading!!

New HTML5 Date Picker Widget


In our latest build, we've started adding in the new HTML5 date picker widget.  Pictured at left, this new HTML5 feature is a nicer, slicker date picking widget than we had used in the past.  

For now, it is mainly supported in recent Chrome and Opera browsers.  But, eventually it will be supported in all major browsers as HTML5 becomes the default standard on the web.  So, if you are using chrome with our platform now, you will be able to take advantage of this new and improved feature.


Upgraded Web Editor And New File Manager

Here at CitySoft HQ, we get pretty excited about software upgrades.  Today is exciting because we are announcing a big upgrade to our web editor (pictured at left) and file manager (pictured at right).  Both of these components are very important parts of our platform and both are licensed from one of the best web software companies around - CK Source.

In case you aren't familiar with web software jargon, the web editor (at left) is for editing web pages, articles and emails within our platform.  And, the the file manager (at right) is for uploading and managing images that are used within web pages.  We've used the CK Source web editor for years, but are excited to have their very latest version built into our platform.  Furthermore, this is the first time we've included the CK Source file manager in our platform.

You can learn more about CKSource here.

You can learn more about CKEditor here.

You can learn more about CKFinder here.

Redesign Using Free CitySoft Theme


Customizing our free web design themes for a web site is a very affordable way to get up and running quickly with an attractive, contemporary design.  CitySoft offers a library of free web site design themes (here) which are completely open source and free.  Although we designed them for use with our software, anyone can use them.

When our clients use one of these themes for their website, there is usually a short process of customizing the theme for a specific client.  We thought it would be helpful to show an example of what a customized theme can look like at the end of the process.  

Recently, a long-time client (The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues) re-designed their website using our Professional theme. They were happy with the final results, which can be seen here.  The initial theme (with no customization) can be seen here.  

History, Rollback and More Caching in Articles Module

CitySoft has added several new features to the Articles module that are worth noting here.

History and Rollback
The articles module now includes both History and Rollback features (as pictured).  The means that each time an article is added or edited over time, all versions of the article are saved in the database.  The older versions can be viewed from the article history screen.  And, at an time an administrator can "roll back" an older version of the article and make it the current version.  This history and rollback functionality also exists in the Pages module and with page sections.  These features will be added to more modules in the future.

Although extensive caching already exists in Community Enterprise, we have recently added some new caching features to the Articles module.  With this new functionality, articles are stored in cached versions on the server.  These articles can be retrieved and displayed more quickly than in the past, improving client and user performance.

Former Contacts Feature Added To Organization Contacts

A great new feature has been added to the Organizations module that will be useful to clients who use CE to track organizations and the contacts within those organizations.  Within an organizations record, in the past you could track primary contacts and regular contacts (e.g. employees) of an organization.  Now, you can also track former contacts of the organization (as pictured below).  This means that when an individual leaves an organization in your database, you can retain that historical information by simply changing their status within the organization record to "Former Contact."  The organization record will maintain a list of all former (as well as current) contacts.

Updating email address from email preferences screen

I just wanted to note a small but important improvement to our email preferences feature which makes it easier for a user receiving a blast email to update their name and email in the database.  

In the past, this would require that the user login to the system to update their profile.  That still works well, but is a little cumbersome because it requires logging in.  

Now, a user who receives a blast email from our platform can update their name and email directly from the preferences screen without needing to login (as pictured in the graphic at right). When they do, this also generates an activity in their record so that an administrator can easily see or report on this activity.


Improvements to a hidden gem - File Upload channel

We're finishing off some enhancements to a little known hidden gem of a feature in our platform - the File Upload channel.  This channel allows a user with permissions to login to a web site and securely upload files that are associated with them and their organization / company (which is also tracked in the database).

This feature has helped clients that manage organizations and need employees of those organizations to submit documents (like quarterly reports).  This can be easily managed online with our platform.

The new enhancements help a client manage more documents, with an easier interface, and more searching, sorting, categorization, and downloading options.  In addition, an admin can limit the types of documents (e.g. .xslx, .pdf, .doc) that users can upload.

New register "on behalf of" feature in event registrations

Today we are announcing an exciting new feature in our event registration functionality.  This feature allows a user to easily register for an event on behalf of another person.  So, if an employee who is not going to an event needs to register a colleague, our platform makes it easy.  The registration is completed like usual but the system will keep track of and notify both the registrant and the person who registered them.

Note that this functionality is initially available with the PayPal Pro account (but not PayPal Standard).

Custom fields in event guest registration form

We've added a cool and useful new feature for event registration.  Now admin-created custom fields can be included within the guest registration form during event registrations.  This has long been a feature in our regular event registration form.  With no technical skills necessary, a CE admin could create custom fields within the event registration form to collect any information necessary during registrations.

However, in the past when a user added guests to an event registration, custom fields were not part of the guest form.  Now you can add these fields to a guest registration form.  So, for example, if you need to collect specific information (e.g. meal preference, allergy information, track preference, etc.) for each guest during a registration, it's easy.

Secure multiple domains with SSL within one software instance

We've launched an important new security feature that allows clients to secure ecommerce transactions across multiple different domains on one instance of Community Enterprise (CE).  Now, when using a payment gateway like PayPal Pro, you can have multiple websites with different domains (e.g.,, and so forth) which all transact securely with PayPal and are manageable through one admin login.

In the past, CE could only support one SSL secured domain per instance.